Thursday, March 5, 2020

Master the Difference Between Do and Make In a Week

Master the Difference Between Do and Make In a Week The difference between do and make can be extremely frustrating to any English Language Learner. This blog is to help you master the difference in one week. If you follow the instructions and do the work everyday you will grasp the difference a lot more strongly.Day 1:The first thing  you need to do is learn the definitions of do and makeDo/Did/Done there are two definitions you will need to know about. Do is a verb and Do is an auxiliary.Do the verbto  perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified): something must be done about the citys traffic | she knew what she was doing | what can I do for you? | Brian was making eyes at the girl, and had been doing so for most of the hearing.• perform (a particular task): Dad always did the cooking on Sundays.• work on (something) to bring it to completion or to a required state: it takes them longer to do their hair than me | shes the secretary and does the publicity.• make or have available and provide: hes doi ng bistro food | many hotels dont do single rooms at all  he decided to do her a favor.• solve; work out: Joe was doing sums aloud.• cook (food) to completion or to a specified degree: if a knife inserted into the center comes out clean, then your pie is done.• (often in questions) work at for a living: what does she do?• produce or give a performance of (a particular play, opera, etc.): the Royal Shakespeare Company is doing Macbeth next month.• perform (a particular role, song, etc.) or imitate (a particular person) in order to entertain people: he not only does Schwarzenegger and Groucho, he becomes them.• informal take (a narcotic drug): he doesnt smoke, drink, or do drugs.• attend to (someone): the barber said hed do me next.2 [ with obj. ] achieve or complete, in particular:• travel (a specified distance): one car I looked at had done 112,000 miles.• travel at (a specified speed): I was speeding, doing seventy-five.• achieve (a specified sales figure): our bestselling album did about a million worldwide.• spend (a specified period of time), typically in prison or in a particular occupation: he did five years for manslaughter.• [ no obj. ] informal finish: you must sit there and wait till Im done | [ with present participle ] : were done arguing.• (be done) be over: the special formula continues to beautify your tan when the day is done.• (be/have done with) give up concern for: have finished with: I would sell the place and have done with it | Steve was not done with her.3 act or behave in a specified way: they are free to do as they please | you did well to bring her back.• make progress or perform in a specified way; get on: when a team is doing badly, its not easy for a new player to settle in | Mrs. Walters, howre you doing?• [ with obj. and complement ] have a specified effect on: the walk will do me good.• [ with obj. ] result in: the years of stagnation did a lot of harm to the younger generation.4  be suitable or acceptable: if hes anything like you, hell do | [ with obj. ] : a couple of bucksll do me.Do the AuxiliaryDo the auxiliary is used for questions and negatives.Make1 form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create: my grandmother made a dress for me | the body is made from four pieces of maple | baseball bats are made of ash.• (make something into) alter something so that it forms or constitutes (something else): buffalos milk can be made into cheese.• compose, prepare, or draw up (something written or abstract): she made her will.• prepare (a dish, drink, or meal) for consumption: she was making lunch for Lucy and Francis | [ with two objs. ] : Ill make us both a cup of tea.• arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use.• arrange and light materials for (a fire).• Electronics complete or close (a circuit).2 cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about: the drips had made a pool on the floor.• [ with obj. and compl ement or infinitive ] cause to become or seem: decorative features make brickwork more interesting | the best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.• carry out, perform, or produce (a specified action, movement, or sound): Unger made a speech of forty minutes | anyone can make a mistake | we made a deal.• communicate or express (an idea, request, or requirement): I tend to make heavy demands on people | [ with two objs. ] : make him an offer he cant refuse.• [ with obj. and complement ] appoint or designate (someone) to a position: he was made a colonel in the Mexican army.• [ with obj. and complement ] represent or cause to appear in a specified way: the sale price and extended warranty make it an excellent value.• cause or ensure the success or advancement of: the work which really made Wordsworths reputation.3 [ with obj. and infinitive ] compel (someone) to do something: she bought me a brandy and made me drink it.4 constitute; amount to: they made an unusua l duo.• serve as or become through development or adaptation: this fern makes a good houseplant.• consider to be; estimate as: How many are there? I make it sixteen.• agree or decide on (a specified arrangement), typically one concerning a time or place: lets make it 7:30.5 gain or earn (money or profit): hed made a lot of money out of hardware.6 arrive at (a place) within a specified time or in time for (a train or other transport): weve got a lot to do if youre going to make the shuttle | they didnt always make it on time.• (make it) succeed in something; become successful: he waited confidently for his band to make it.• achieve a place in: these dogs seldom make the news | they made it to the semifinals.• achieve the rank of: he wasnt going to make captain.Day 2The RulesOk. So now you can learn about the rules of make or do. Im going to give you a warning.first you need to learn the rules or more precisely tips about the two verbs. Day 3 will consist of learning and m emorizing the most common exceptions to the rules. I know!  So frustrating, but keep with it. Here are a few hints/tips/rules that I give to my students to help them know the difference.Tip 1. Do with our head.Make with our handsDo homework, do math, do calculations,make a cake, make a dress, make the bed, make love;)Tip 2.Same letterDo the dishesmake moneyTip 3.When  do  or  make  are used as main verbs it can be confusing to ESL learners. The verb  makegoes with some words and the verb  do  with other words.Do We use the verb  do  when someone performs an action, activity or a crossword do the ironing do the laundry do the washing do the washing up Do  is often used when referring to work of any your  work do homework do housework do your  job !Note   these activities do not usually produce a physical object.Do for General IdeasUse the verb  do  when speaking about things in general. In other words, to describe an action without saying exactly what the action is. T his form is often used with the words something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.Im not doing anything today. He does everything for his mother. Shes doing nothing.Important Expressions with DoThere are a number of standard expressions that take the verb do. The best solution is to try to learn badly do business do the dishes do a favour do good do harm do time (to go to prison) do well do your best do your hair do your nails do your worst Make We use the verb  make  for constructing, building or creatingmake a dress make food make a cup of tea / coffee Make  is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind.make a meal breakfast / lunch / dinner !Note   these activities usually create something that you can touch.Important Expressions with MakeThere are a number of standard expressions that take the verb  make. The best solution is to try to learn them.make amends make arrangements make believe (to pretend) make a choice make a comment make a decision make a difference make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse make a fool of yourself make a fortune make friends make a fuss make a journey make love make a mess make a mistake make money make a move make a noise make a payment make a phone call make a plan make a point make a profit make a promise make a remark make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make time make a visit make your bed (to prepare the bed for sleeping in)

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